Are you brave enough to take the challenge?
This is the main part of the Olympiad.
Folders earn points for each folded task.
Summarized points determine their place in the rankings.
The most amazing models in each task are awarded
with the special medals.
All the folders trom the same country are considered a team.
Summarized Best Folds medals determine team's place
in the rankings.
IOIO - X opening.
Contestants receive emails
with the tasks.
First round starts. Contestants
fold qualification tasks
Deadline for the first round. Contestants upload their works to the control panel.
Second round starts. Top-150 contestants proceed into
the second round.
Deadline for the second round. Contestants upload their works to the control panel.
Summing-up. Await the results announcement.
Look for the exact time of the deadlines in your profile!
Any type of paper can be used.
Contestants are allowed to paint and glue models if it would not prevent identification of all elements of the model (including pre-creased lines defining the assembly process). This rule does not apply to the contestant’s own design.
Only photos never published before the olympiad are allowed.
Each model should be photographed from at least three angles to clearly display all the details. Low quality photos will not be considered. Recommended size of pictures is from 640x640 to 1500x1500 pixels.
Minimal editing of the pictures is allowed as long as it doesn't affect the appearance of the model. E.g. you can crop photos, reduce the noise, change color balance but you must not add, erase or change any details.
Contestants should not upload photos of their models to the Internet before the end of the Olympiad.
Upload your results until the deadline shown in the control panel:
Rules may change later.
Dear Designers!
If you wish to participate in this event, please fill in special APPLICATION FORM for
designers and attach your diagrams, CPs or photo-diagrams until October 15, 2024.
If your diagram is selected for the Olympiad, it will be added to the e-book with tasks. All authors who have
sent their diagrams will get the olympiad e-book at their e-mail.
The quality of the diagrams, CPs and photo-diagrams doesn't matter, because all diagrams will be
tested and redrawn in the same style. This is a great opportunity for you not only to obtain
high-quality tested diagrams of your models, but also to see them folded by a lot of great
origamists all over the world.
Please remember that we need to process all the diagrams.
Try to send them at your earliest convenience, otherwise there is a risk that we won't be able to prepare the task book in time.
This particularly matters for the complex models!
As you know, our olympiad is a non-commercial project, and neither IOIO team nor
authors gain any profit from it. This project is fueled entirely by the team's
enthusiasm but there is only so much we can do without money.
The team puts a lot of work into this website, the taskbooks and the whole
judging process, and we also have to pay for the hosting and your prizes.
That's why your support is very important for the future of the project.
Any donation that you make will help the olympiad evolve and expand.
Thank you in advance!